Commemoration of Archangel Michael’s Miracle in Colossae
Archippos of Hierapolis; Martyrs Eudoxios, Zeno, Romulus and Makarios at Melitene in Armenia
Visitors, we warmly welcome you to all services and social events at All Saints.
Nourishment of the Soul: “The icons of the holy men and women reestablish and recover souls that are weighed down by affliction and anguish. The saints are like a cloud protecting those who are burned by the hot rays of earthly afflictions. ” — His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH
Let us pray to the Lord: “For the suffering Christians of Syria, Palestine, Iraq, & all of the Middle East, and for those suffering in the Ukraine.”
Festival News: Silent Auction Baskets —Vicki G is coordinator and would like you to contact her if you plan to donate a completed basket for the festival. Those who attend the festival enjoy the affordable baskets so you do not need to be extravagant, just creative in developing one. Musicians— Currently the following music groups are booked: Salaam and Backwoods Bluegrass. Other local musicians and parish members are being contacted. Those who attend enjoy the professionals as well as local talent in the parish. Indoor Bake Shop –Nina R is the coordinator. Ask Nina how you can help. Both ethnic and American baked goods are sold.
Resurrection Shrine: Donations to the limestone arch are being received. This outdoor chapel (which is currently under construction) will house the beautiful mosaic of The Harrowing of Hades,
Dishes and Pots and Pans are overflowing our cabinets and pantry! If you have graciously donated food but forgotten to take home serving items, please help us by freeing up some space SINCE EXTRA SPACE IS REQUIRED FOR THE FESTIVAL. Every little bit helps. Thanks.
Receiving the Eucharist: We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession. If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church.
Orthodoxy 101 continues on Wednesday, September 6th after Daily Vespers with Dr. John Craton presenting “Apologetics: Defending our Faith.”
Today’s Memorial is the ten-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. William Nasser, Wanda’s husband and Dr. Tony’s father. Memory Eternal.
Bookstore News: Recently we have added many new books and a large assortment of children’s books, newly published by Ancient Faith Ministries. Purchased at sale prices, we will pass on the savings to you.
The Festival Committee meets after Divine Liturgy with Father Peter Jon.
Anointing: On Monday, following the Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of the Theotokos, all are invited (including catechumens and inquirers) to receive anointing with myrrh from the miraculous icon of the Theotokos in Taylor, Pennsylvania. Many thanks to Alex and Cathy for bring the holy oil to us!
Monday, September 7: Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00 – The Nativity of the Theotokos
Wednesday, September 9: Daily Vespers at 6:00 followed by Orthodoxy 101
Thursday, September 10: Bedford-Mitchell Fellowship at the Haneys’ home 10:00 – Noon
Friday, September 11: SOYO Kickoff 2015 – Teens, invite your friends to attend with you from 5:00 to 7:00.
Saturday, September 12: Great Vespers at 5:00
Sunday, September 13: Matins at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 – Sunday of the Elevation of the Holy Cross
Anniversary Greetings: Matthew & Gabby C (11th); Subdn. Daniel & Linda B (12th)
Happy Birthday: Andrew (6th); Braylan S (6th); Daniel R (6th); Dan R (9th); Elena R (10th); John (12th)
Blessed Sts. Joachim & Anna Day – 9th: Braylan S; Cora B; Lilly Blair; Ari V
Memory Eternal: Dan, Joy, & Bailey (August 5th); Heather (August 6th); Margaret Whitaker (August 24th); Marge; Archpriest Louis Mahshie (Sept. 1); Moses (Nashville Mission – 1st)
Prayer List: Jason; Jennifer Tatlock (back surgery); Ioana (Olga’s mother );Brian Bunner (Charles’s friend -surgery); Alex; Jake; Annie; Pastor Pat ; Catherine; Janett; Jill; Kh. Kristina; Angie; Julian; Kh. Mary Sue Walker; Vicki;; Hoppes in Albania, Moores in Mongolia, Jesse Brandow in Guatemala (OCMC Missionaries); Vivian; Natalie; Senior Saints; Ioana; Patricia; Dee; Galina; John G; Nicetas; Barb; Shirley; Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop John; Kh. Loretta; Fr. John Koen; Archpriests George & Stephen; Krystal & Jason; Adrian; Heather; Susan; Gabriella & Matt; Sara; Shelley; Fr. Moses Berry; Geni; Frank & Becky; Those with child: (Brooke-Theckla, Elizabeth, Gabriella, Laura, Ioana, Megan); Noah; Emily D; Emma; Kim; Nancy; Neal; Lyuda; Bob R; Alex; John; Leanne; Beth; Lillian; Julie; Roger; Virginia; Marilyn; Eric; Cheryl; Lori; Pam; Debbie; Natasha; Michael & Shelley: Gabriel; Mary; Doug; Janet; Kelly; Matushka Raisa; John C; Marty; Charles; Eileen; Mary; Marvin, Alice; Katie; Deborah; Ruth; Steve; Kevin; Romaine; Derek, Claire & Micah; Tim; Preston; Sharon; Sherri; Dianna; Michael and Diane; Aaron; Brent; Jennifer; Brigid; Caleb; Dennis & Joyce; Ethan; Lena, Dean; Gayle; Thomas; Amy; Heidi; Gene & Connie; Cathi
Today’s Epistle and Gospel Readings
Prokeimenon: “Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve us.”
Verse: “Save me, O Lord, for the godly man is no more!” Psalm 11:7,1)
Epistle: The Reading is from Saint Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians. (1:21-2:4)
Brethren, The One who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God; who has also sealed us, and has given us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. Moreover, I call God for a witness upon my soul, that in order to spare you, I did not yet come to Corinth. Not that we lord it over your faith, but we are fellow workers of your joy, for you are established in the faith. But I determined this within myself, that I would not come again to you with sorrow. For if I make you sorry, who then is the one who makes me glad, but the same who is made sorry by me? And I wrote this very thing to you, lest, when I came, I should have sorrow from those in whom I ought to rejoice, having confidence in you all, that my joy is the joy of you all. For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears, not that you should be made sorry, but that you might know the love which I have more abundantly for you.
Gospel: The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. (22:2-14)
The Lord spoke this parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests. But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment; and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.’ For many are called, but few are chosen.” .
Divine Liturgy Variables
Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 5
Let us believers praise and worship the Word; co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation. For, He took pleasure in ascending the Cross in the flesh to suffer death; and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.
Apolytikion of the Archangel Michael – Tone 4
Supreme Commander of the Hosts of Heavens, we, the unworthy, importune and beseech thee that by thy supplications thou encircle us in the shelter of the wings of thine immaterial glory, guarding us who now fall down and cry to thee with fervor: Deliver us from dangers of all kinds, as the great Marshal of the heavenly hosts on high..
Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4
By thy holy nativity, O pure one, Joachim and Anna were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee: The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life.
September 12:Annual Walk for Life is at Clear Creek Christian again this year.
- September 18-20: St. George in Fishers hosts the annual festival.
- September 26: Marriage of George Khalil and Haley Lemmons at 2 pm
- Daniel Byantoro, missionary from Indonesia, meets with Women of the church Tuesday, September 29th and with the parish and friends of the parish on Wednesday, September 30th. Food will be served at the beginning of each meeting.
- October 9: Festival Set-up inside and outside (Willing Workers Needed.)
- October 10: Annual Festival on Fairfax 11am – 6:pm with Great Vespers at 5pm
- October 13: 2nd Tuesday Women’s Bible resumes with Kh. Marilyn.