As we approach Holy Pascha, here are some details that may interest you.
Donations of Lilies should be brought to the social hall by Saturday morning. Decoration of the church is done from noon through the afternoon. If you would like to make a contribution to the flower fund in honor of a loved one or as a memorial, please give the donation at any time this week. Give Father the names to be prayed for.
Food for Hungry People donations can be made to the church, and they will be sent after Pascha.
Great and Holy Wednesday Evening, April 12th – The Holy Unction Service at 6 pm
James 5:13-16 “Is there anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord…” Baptized and Chrismated Orthodox Christians will be anointed with holy oil.
Great and Holy Thursday Morning, April 13th – St. Basil’s Vesperal Liturgy at 9am.
The Mystical Supper – Following Christ’s example, Fr. Peter Jon will wash the feet of those who are present.
Great and Holy Thursday Evening, April 13th – The Reading of the Twelve Gospels at 6pm
Troparion: “While the glorified Disciples, being illuminated at the evening washing, Judas of evil worship, was stricken and darkened with the love of the silver. And unto lawless judges, O righteous Judge, he delivered and surrendered Thee…” Christ is nailed to the Holy Cross.
Great and Holy Friday Morning, April 14th – The Reading of the Royal Hours at 9am.
Great and Holy Friday Noon, April 14th -Decoration of the Holy Bier by children.
Great and Holy Friday at 3pm – Great Vespers
Great and Holy Friday at 6pm – Service of Lamentation for Christ
Great and Holy Friday – All Night Vigil of reading from the Psalms. You are invited to come throughout the night until morning.
Great and Holy Saturday Morning, April 15th at 9am. Divine Liturgy
The deep purple vestments change to white as we approach Holy Pascha in the evening service.
Great and Holy Pascha Eve Services, April 15th at 10pm – Rush, Matins, and the Resurrection Liturgy
Throughout the service, we will joyously chant and sing “Christ is Risen from the Dead, Trampling Down Death by Death and upon those in the Tombs, bestowing Life!”
…Bring Pascha baskets to the front of the nave. These will be blessed near the end of the service. (Typically baskets include cheese, meat, eggs, wine, bread and other dairy or festive foods which have been abstained from during Great Lent) These are either taken home after the blessing and eaten in the days following Pascha, or they may be shared with family or friends later in the evening.
…A break-the-fast meal is provided by the church at the end of the service (deli meats and cheese and a few side dishes. You may add specialties to this faire, but we hope to keep clean-up to a minimum.)
Agape Sunday, April 16th at Noon – Great Vespers includes the reading of the Holy Gospel from John 20:19-25 in many languages.
There is then a Procession to the Empty Tomb; the Egg Hunt is on the lawn. The eggs have been prepared, the children quickly put the eggs in baskets we provide, but they may also bring their own basket. Then the Great Feast is spread with your many pitch-in dishes. Jan G. is providing two baked hams, but everything else is donated.