April 6, 2014

Fifth Sunday of Great Lent

Commemoration of our Righteous Mother Mary of Egypt

Eutychios, patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Platonida of Nisibis; Venerable Gregory Byzantios of the Great Lavra on Athos; Venerable-martyr Gennadios of Dionysiou monastery on Athos; the Martyrs of Samothrace; Methodios, archbishop of Moravia and enlightener of the Slavs.

**Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great**

Today we welcome Chris and Jen Moore,

OCMC missionaries to Mongolia.

They will be with us during coffee hour to update us on their fundraising for the work there.

 Visitors, you are honored guests at All Saints and are welcome at all services.

Nourishment of the Soul: “A servant of the Lord is the one [sic] who in body stands before men, but in mind knocks at Heaven with prayer.”– St John Climacus

Choir Practice for Pascha: Members will meet in the nursery as announced. Lazarus Saturday’s practice follows luncheon.

Orthodoxy 101 on Wednesday: This week at Orthodoxy 101, following the Presanctified Gifts Liturgy, Father Peter Jon’s topic will be “The Nicene Creed: The Holy Spirit.” A light meal is provided.

 Communion: We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church.

Communion Line: The choir goes first in both lines so members may continue ministering through music during communion. Little Lambs follow. The ushers then assist each row from front to back.  Those seated in the over-flow may follow an adjacent row.

Confession: Confessions are heard Wednesday and Saturday evenings half an hour before services or by appointment during the week. Holy Week will be very busy, so Father suggests this week as available.

 Food for Hungry People has begun the 2014 campaign.  Donations to All Saints for this fund will be sent after Pascha. This Archdiocesan charity feeds the hungry in the United States and around the world. Contributions have been light thus far.

Syrian Orphan Fund is open throughout Great Lent. Designate your donation on the memo line of your check.

All Saints Lending Library is in the Hall: If you have finished with a book you have borrowed, please return it so others can benefit.  Our routine is to check in your own book on the check-out sheet, by crossing out your name along with the date returned.  If you don’t know where to put it in the shelf (alphabetical by title), just leave it by the check-out sheet.  Thanks.


Tuesday, April 8: Women’s Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. – Home of Kh. Marilyn

Wednesday, April 9: Presanctified Liturgy at 6:00; 0rthodoxy 101 at 7:45

Thursday, April 10:  Bedford-Mitchell Fellowship – 10:00 – Noon

Friday, April 11: Canon to St. Lazarus at 6:00

Saturday April 12: Lazarus SaturdayBaptism/Chrismation at 9:00 followed by Liturgy; Lunch (provided) and Parish workday follow; Great Vespers at 5:00

Palm Sunday, April 13: Matins at 8:50; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 – Procession with Palms.

April 13: First Bridegroom Service at 5:00 p.m. as Holy Week begins.


Lazarus Saturday Workday is a busy one. Starting after Liturgy and lunch, most work will be outdoors along with window washing and lawn care in preparation for Holy Week. Interior activities include shining altar brass; filling plastic eggs for the hunt on Pascha Sunday; assembling luminary bags with candles;  doing light housekeeping in preparation for Palm Sunday, and looking ahead to Holy Pascha. Come as your schedule allows; many are needed.

Happy Birthday: Natalie Morfas (11th)

Memory Eternal: Metropolitan PHILIP Saliba (March 19th); Archpriest Alexander Atty (March 23rd); Victor (March 9th); Kasey (21st); Dorothy (26th); Edward (March- Bara’s brother); Vicki (March); Louise (March)

Prayer List: Vicki Gans; Alex Alexander; Deacon Lawrence; Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop John, Syrian Orphans; Danica D’Onofrio; Kh. Loretta Wilson; Chad & Connie; Beth; Jeffry Ellis; Lillian Miller; Julie; Roger; Stephanie; Virginia McCallister; Marilyn; Eric; Marna; Cheryl; Lori; Pam; Debbie; Natasha; Ioana; Geni Gritton; Michael & Shelley: Leanne; Jill Patterson; Gabriel; Mary; Doug; Janet; Kelly; Pete; Phillip; Patricia; Matushka Raisa; John C; Marty; John; Charles; Fr. John Koen; Archpriest Roman; Eileen; Mary; Marvin, Alice; Katie; Bob R; Deborah; Ruth; Steve; Kevin; Romaine; Steven; Mary; Derek, Claire & Micah; Tim; Preston; Sharon; Sherri; Dianna; Michael and Diane; Aaron; Brent; Christy; Jennifer; Brigid; Caleb; Korene 

Today’s Epistle and Gospel Readings 

Prokeimenon: “Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God.”

Verse: “God is known in Judah; His Name is great in Israel!” Psalm 75:10, 1

Epistle: The Reading is from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews (9:11-14).

Brethren,  Christ having appeared a High Priest of the good things to come, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; neither through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, entered in once for all into the holy place, having found eternal redemption.  For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of bulls and goats and with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Gospel: The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark. (10:32-45)

At that time, Jesus took His twelve Disciples, and began to tell them what was to happen to Him, saying, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles.  And they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit upon Him, and kill Him; and after three days He will rise.” And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to Him, and said to Him, “Teacher, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire” And Jesus said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And they said to Him, “Grant us to sit, one at Thy right hand and one at Thy left, in Thy glory.” But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” And they said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized. But to sit at My right hand or at My left is not Mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to Him and said to them, “You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be servant of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”